
Professional Responsibility

Page history last edited by Abigail MacLean-Blevins 11 years, 8 months ago

During my anchor placement, I intentionally engaged in experiences and interviews to better understand my school environment and to develop myself as a professional.  After each of these experiences, I wrote out a brief explanation of the experience and what I took away from the situation.  In addition to visiting other classrooms on various grade levels, I also spoke with administrators and discussed special education in the school with my mentor and other teachers.  These experiences, evidenced here by the brief write-ups, demonstrate that I already engage in  ongoing professional learning and use evidence to continually evaluate  my practice, and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.  Each of these experiences was a professional learning experience, and I evaluated the presented information to adapt my general practice and teaching philosophy. 


As part of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) unit about decomposition I adapted and expanded, I invited a parent to come in to share her expertise and passion about compost with the students.  We collaborated about what materials and examples she would bring, as well as about the content of the lesson.  The students seemed to enjoy the lesson, and we used the materials brought by the volunteer parent to create our own classroom compost jar, which we observed for several weeks as the contents began to decompose.  I have included pictures (below) of the lesson and the classroom compost jar as evidence of my ability to seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.  I worked with a family/community member to provide for my students a hands-on experience with compost and to create with my students a long-term science project.  We also visited the school’s compost ball to learn about different ways of compost, which demonstrates my use of and interest in school resources for enriched student growth.




The last artifact to highlight my ability to seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professions, and community members to ensure learner growth as well as use evidence to continually evaluate my practice and adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner, I have included snapshots of the third grade Math Olympics (below).  This event, which took place prior to MSA testing as a review of essential material, was the product of collaboration between myself, my mentor, and another third grade teacher.  We created six stations, spread between two classrooms and the hallway between them, through which students, in small groups, rotated and completed activities to review math concepts.  During the event, I ran the area/perimeter dash, where students had to work as a team to determine the area and perimeter of several shapes made of tape on the wall, and the paper shot-put, where students threw a paper ball like a shot-put, then worked as a team to measure the distance the ball traveled.  Teams were scored at the completion of each activity.  I worked with both my own students and the students from the other third grade class, which is an inclusion class.  As necessary, I differentiated directions and slightly modified the events to ensure all students had a meaningful learning experience.  




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